
The London Resort

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 651 to 675 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • Andrew Critchell

    I would like to make the following points in my representation: As usual, nature and wildlife are being expended for short-term economic greed which will never stop until every last inch of this... Read more

  • Andrew Luxton

    While I cannot disagree that the proposed development will bring many positive economic benefits to the area, I have very grave concerns concerning the traffic modelling, climate and environmental... Read more

  • Gateley Hamer (Gateley Hamer) on behalf of Anglo-European Developments GB Limited (Anglo-European Developments GB Limited)

    Dear Sirs, I write on behalf of Anglo-European Developments GB Limited, freehold owner of parcels 83, 106, 110, 114, 116, 117, 132, 162, 163, 164, 168, 180, 182, 193 and 199 within the draft DCO, and... Read more

  • Ann Duke

    The size of the development is too big for the local towns. Whilst the idea of the resort has benefits such as employment, the scale is cannot be borne by the locality. There is insufficient... Read more

  • Anna Hart

    Given the importance of the Swanscombe Peninsula for plants and animals such as the Critically Endangered Distinguished jumping spider (Attulus distinguendus), it should not be considered as a viable... Read more

  • Anthony Laurent

    Destruction of the wildlife on Swanscombe Marshes

  • Wellers Law Group LLP (Wellers Law Group LLP) on behalf of Balbir Singh S&S Freight Global Ltd (Balbir Singh S&S Freight Global Ltd)

    BC080001 Outline Objections of Balbir Singh S & S Global Freight Ltd Introduction I am the Director of S & S Global Freight Ltd, Unit B4 Manor Way Business Park, Manor Way, Swanscombe DA10 0PP. Nature... Read more

  • Quod (Quod) on behalf of Blueco Limited

    We are instructed by Blueco, the owners of Bluewater (‘the Owners’), to register as an Interested Party in the examination of the London Resort application for development consent. We submitted... Read more

  • British Arachnological Society (British Arachnological Society)

    Our representation will comprise a single, short document about the value of the proposed development site for spiders, and particularly for species of conservation concern. Please see attached

  • Weightmans LLP (Weightmans LLP) on behalf of British Transport Police Authority (British Transport Police Authority)

    Representations for British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) The London Resort DCO (BC080001) Our Ref. 9008076-901385/6571 The BTPA has belatedly learnt of the application for the London Resort DCO,... Read more

  • BTF Partnership (BTF Partnership)

    BTF Partnership are instructed to act on behalf of various freeholders and leaseholders affected by the NSIP. As a general rule, authority to acquire land compulsorily should only be sought as part of... Read more

  • Buglife- The Invertebrate Conservation Trust (Buglife- The Invertebrate Conservation Trust) on behalf of Buglife- The Invertebrate Conservation Trust (Buglife- The Invertebrate Conservation Trust)

    Buglife welcomes the opportunity to make representations on proposals for the London Resort NSIP application. Impact on Swanscombe Peninsula SSSI and nationally important habitats: • The Swanscombe... Read more

  • C2E Partnership (C2E Partnership)

    Relevant Representation from C2E Partnership – 31 March 2021 INTRODUCTION 1. This Relevant Representation has been prepared on behalf of the C2E Partnership and its contents do not prejudice any... Read more

  • Catherine Foster

    This is not the right site for this development. Millions could be spent on mitigation but ultimately once it us destroyed it is gone and this ancient and important green space cannot be replaced.... Read more

  • Carter Jonas LLP (Carter Jonas LLP) on behalf of CEMEX UK Properties Ltd (CEMEX UK Properties Ltd)

    CEMEX operate a construction materials production and distribution facility at CEMEX Northfleet, Botany Marches, Lower Road, DA11 9BB (Property). The following businesses support 40 FT employees and... Read more

  • Christoper I. Rose

    Swanscombe Peninsula marshes should not be developed as a theme park because of its extremely high value for nature and for the recreation, health and well-being local communities and other visitors.... Read more

  • Claire Edie

    I would be so upset if the beautiful area would be overtaken by the London Resort. It is a wonderful area which I very much enjoy walking around with my dog.It is a very important place to improve my... Read more

  • Clare Dinham

    Swanscombe supports a wide range of habitats including Open mosaic habitat , coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands. The site is considered by Natural England to be of SSSI quality which is... Read more

  • Wellers Law Group LLP (Wellers Law Group LLP) on behalf of Constantin-Valetin Romanescu Seamonix Services Construction Ltd (Constantin-Valetin Romanescu Seamonix Services Construction Ltd)

    BC080001 Outline Objections of Constantin-Valetin Romanescu Seamonix Services Construction Ltd Introduction 1. I am the Director of Seamonix Services Construction Ltd, Unit C0, Manor Way Business... Read more

  • CPRE Kent (CPRE Kent)

    CPRE Kent registers its objection to this scheme. We acknowledge the importance of employment provision within the Thames Gateway but consider the negative impacts of this scheme unacceptable. While... Read more

  • Daniel Greenwood

    I've been visiting Swanscombe Marshes for recreation since 2015. It's unlike many landscapes in southern England due to its rich history and resulting mosaic of habitats and landscape types. I have... Read more

  • Dartford & Gravesham Cycling Forum (Dartford & Gravesham Cycling Forum)

    Introduction The Dartford & Gravesham Cycling Forum promotes Active Travel within the boroughs of Dartford & Gravesham. It seeks to maximise the opportunities to expand and improve the local Active... Read more

  • Dartford Borough Council (Dartford Borough Council)

    Dartford Borough Council is registering a relevant representation in relation to the proposed London Resort Development Consent Order Application. This is in the form of a joint relevant... Read more

  • David Horsfield

    • I worked in nature conservation for 30 years for the Nature Conservancy Council and later for Scottish Natural Heritage in both England and Scotland. My work involved me in assessing the importance... Read more

  • David Lawson

    The points I would be interested in making following the examination would be security both for members of public and staff. Amongst foot traffic, would cycling, scooters, skating be allowed in and... Read more