
The London Resort

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Showing 126 to 150 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • Jo Fitz-Henry

    Swanscombe has already been recognised as a SSSI by Natural England. This is a unique mixture of diverse habitats and supports many forms of wildlife. The South East needs its wild places and not... Read more

  • Jo Small

    The plans for a theme park on this site concern me because wildlife across the country is in drastic decline, and it is more important than ever to spare our national treasures and wild spaces. The... Read more

  • Joe Annandale

    Hello I am local to Kent and a wildlife enthusiast, with wildlife in a shocking decline everywhere in the country, my county has been hit very hard by urbanization. There are developments of thousands... Read more

  • Joe Parker

    I live locally to the Swanscombe peninsula and have previously worked on the industrial estate too. I regularly walk with my family in the area and we spend time as a family on the peninsula observing... Read more

  • John Burthe

    Dear sir/madam, I am baffled as to how this project can go ahead. In a time when biodiversity and environmental sustainability are on a knife edge, when we need to be promoting and increasing our wild... Read more

  • John Chapman

    This area supports many rare plant species and populations of Otter, Water Vole, Reptiles and Bats. This site is favoured by breeding birds, which include Nightingales, Black Redstart, Marsh Harriers... Read more

  • John Ignatius Wareham Paterson

    Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex human history. Natural England have recommended Swanscombe... Read more

  • John McCrea

    We do not need another theme park, we need to preserve as much of existing habitat as possible- with the world heating up and the threat to the whole world, we must take a stand as a country and... Read more

  • Josephine Brown

    It is unbelievable to me as a local resident that anyone could think of building such infrastructure at this location. It is a SSSI area with animal and plant wildlife that has value beyond measure.... Read more

  • Judith Hible

    The Swanscombe Peninsula is simply the wrong place for a theme park- we must value our precious wildlife more than we do a theme park. I am concerned that wildlife across the country is in drastic... Read more

  • Judith King

    Swanscombe Peninsula has just been designated as an SSSI. It's a biodiverse site which is home to many rare birds, plants, and invertebrates, as well as locally important animal populations. I'm... Read more

  • Julie Carol Rudd

    With more and more of our country being given over to buildings and roads, with the state of the British flora and fauna, with the present climate of antipathy towards the causes of Global Warming, I... Read more

  • June Avison

    Does London really need this or does London need nature and the natural environment? It beggars belief that such a development could even be considered let alone get to this stage. I object strongly... Read more

  • K Etheridge

    Important places for nature, and for people to enjoy nature are precious these days. I’m sure this site is better as a nature reserve for people’s physical and mental health than if it were turned... Read more

  • Karen Arscott

    Dears, I was concerned to learn that planning is being considered for a building project on the Swanscombe peninsula. Such a development would have a devastating impact on the wildlife of Swanscombe... Read more

  • Karen Denton

    The building works being undertaken at Ebbsfleet Garden City have already destroyed trees, plants and bird/animal habitats and the scenario will be even worse if the Swanscombe peninsula is destroyed... Read more

  • Kate Boston- Williams

    I am very concerned about yet another example of loss of natural habitat in this country especially at a time when climate change and protection of the natural world is high on the world agenda. My... Read more

  • Katherine Grant

    I’m concerned about this development and object to it. Natural England have declared the area a Site of Special Scientific Interest. It’s of national importance that these sites are protected and that... Read more

  • Keith Dennis Gordon

    This site is a current stable safe environment for many species, some of which are in huge decline which is caused by loss of habitat all around the UK. With 15 red list species of nesting birds and... Read more

  • Kelsea Herbst

    I am writing to you regarding about the planning of a theme park. This would have devastating effects on wildlife & biodiversity at Swancombe. I think wildlife is more important than a theme park.... Read more

  • L Clark

    I personally really enjoy the wild, natural spaces near to where I live and the Swanscombe Peninsula is a special example as it supports an outstanding range of wildlife- and there are few enough... Read more

  • Lesley Mason

    Swanscombe supports nationally important Open mosaic habitat on previously developed land, coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands. In particular the brownfield habitat (OMHPD) is easily... Read more

  • Linda Gregory

    Dear Sirs I am dismayed to hear that planning application has been granted for a theme park to be built at Swanscombe. Natural England have stated that this site should be given SSSI protection as one... Read more

  • Linda Pryke

    Swanscombe Marshes merits SSSI status and is a site for many invertebrate species of conservation concern. The assemblage of habitats at the site is unique, and have developed over time. They cannot... Read more

  • Louise Pratt

    Natural England have recommended Swanscombe be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest- we must protect our most important wildlife sites from being lost. It supports over 250 invertebrate... Read more