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Hinkley Point C New Nuclear Power Station Examination timetable

The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.

If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.

The examination stage

The examination opened on 22 March 2012

The examination closed on 21 September 2012

Upcoming deadlines and events

There are no deadlines and events

Past deadlines and events

21 March 2012 - Deadline 1


-Preliminary meeting held at the Sedgemoor Auction Centre, North Petherton. -Start of examination. -Request by District Councils to extend the deadline to complete the examination. -Request made by the Applicant for the Panel to consider amendments to the application.

21 March 2012 - Preliminary Meeting


The purpose of the preliminary meeting is to enable views to be expressed about matters set out in the rule 6 letter, and in particular to hear representations about the way in which the application is to be examined.

23 March 2012 - Deadline 2


Panel make a request for further information under Rule 17 to SDC and WSC in respect of their request for the Chair of the IPC to extend the deadline to complete the examination.

27 March 2012 - Deadline 3


Procedural decision issued (Rule 8 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 and the Panel’s first written questions.

30 March 2012 - Deadline 4


-Chair of the IPC writes to SDC and WSC to inform them of his decision not to extend the deadline for completing the examination. -Applicant submits proposed changes to the application, addenda, errata and additional information.

1 April 2012 - Deadline 5


Functions of the IPC are transferred to the Planning Inspectorate (National Infrastructure Directorate) as a result of the amendments to the Planning Act 2008 made by the Localism Act 2011.

4 April 2012 - Deadline 6


Request for further information made by the Panel under Rule 17 to WSC for a copy of the Preliminary Works Planning Permission, including conditions and any related s106 Planning Agreement.

11 April 2012 - Deadline 7


-Michael Hurley appointed to the Panel by the Secretary of State. -Accompanied (familiarisation) site inspections by the Panel to the main site.

11 April 2012 - Site Visit (Accompanied) 1


Initial (familiarisation) site inspections

12 April 2012 - Deadline 8


Accompanied (familiarisation) site inspections by the Panel to the associated development sites.

12 April 2012 - Site Visit (Accompanied) 2


Initial (familiarisation) site inspections

24 April 2012 - Deadline 9


-Deadline for responses to the Panel’s first written questions.

-Panel issues a procedural decision informing interested parties that they intend to accept the proposed changes to the application, addenda, errata and additional information submitted by the Applicant.

-Panel issues a correction to the procedural decision issued on 27 March.

30 April 2012 - Deadline 10


Rule 17 request to SDC for a copy of the planning permissions granted by Sedgemoor District Council and any related s106 Planning Agreements in respect of:

  • North East Bridgwater, former Innovia/British Cellophane site.

  • The Steart Peninsula Project.

3 May 2012 - Deadline 11


Deadline for receipt of: -Local Impact Reports -Statements of Common Ground -Written Representations.

9 May 2012 - Deadline 12


First open-floor hearing held at Bridgwater College Cannington Campus, Cannington.

9 May 2012 - Open Floor Hearing 1


First open floor hearings

10 May 2012 - Deadline 13


Second open-floor hearing at Otterhampton Village Hall, Combwich.

10 May 2012 - Open Floor Hearing 2


First open floor hearings

16 May 2012 - Deadline 14


Third open-floor hearing at Bridgwater Town Hall, Bridgwater.

16 May 2012 - Open Floor Hearing 3


First open floor hearings

17 May 2012 - Deadline 15


Fourth open-floor hearing at Victory Hall, Stogursey.

17 May 2012 - Open Floor Hearing 4


First open floor hearings

18 May 2012 - Deadline 16


Rule 17 request to Applicant to provide answers to questions about Compulsory Acquisition, draft DCO Article 33A and draft Article 33B.

31 May 2012 - Deadline 17


Deadline for comments on:

  • Local Impact Reports
  • Relevant Representations
  • Written Representations
  • Responses to Panel’s first questions.

8 June 2012 - Deadline 18


Panel issue a procedural decision inviting interested parties to comment on the following documents: -Revised joint Councils’ Local Impact Report -Updated draft DCO (including requirements), the Mitigation Route Map and Code of Construction Practice -Applicant’s response to Panel’s letter dated 18 May 2012 in which the Panel asked several questions relating to compulsory acquisition and other matters.

14 June 2012 - Deadline 19


Panel issues further written questions to interested parties.

26 June 2012 - Deadline 20


First issue-specific hearing on the DCO and mitigation measures (as secured by requirements/s106 etc) at The Exchange, Express Park, Bridgwater.

26 June 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 1


First issue-specific (IS) hearing on the DCO and mitigation measures (as secured by requirements/s106 etc)

9 July 2012 - Deadline 21


Deadline for receipt of:

-Responses to Panel’s further written questions from interested parties.

  • Requests by interested parties for further open-floor hearings.

  • Requests by Affected Persons for a compulsory acquisition hearing.

16 July 2012 - Deadline 22


Notification by the Panel of dates for additional issue-specific hearings.

17 July 2012 - Deadline 23


Second issue-specific hearing on the DCO and mitigation measures (as secured by requirements/s106 etc) at The Exchange, Express Park, Bridgwater.

17 July 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 2


Second IS hearing on the DCO and mitigation measures (as secured by requirements/s106 etc)

23 July 2012 - Deadline 24


Panel issue a procedural decision setting out a timetable for the submission and finalisation of a s106 Planning Obligation.

26 July 2012 - Deadline 25


Panel issue a request for further information, asking for comments from interested parties by 17 August on various MMO documents and on the Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) compiled by the Planning Inspectorate secretariat. Interested parties were also notified of an open-floor hearing to be held on 6 September.

6 August 2012 - Deadline 26


Deadline for comments on responses to Panel’s further written questions from interested parties.

14 August 2012 - Deadline 27


Third issue-specific hearing on the DCO and mitigation measures (as secured by requirements/s106 etc) at Bridgwater and Albion Rugby Club, Bridgwater.

14 August 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 3



21 August 2012 - Deadline 28


-Issue-specific hearing on socio-economic matters at Bridgwater and Albion Rugby Club, Bridgwater.

-Interested parties notified about a forthcoming opportunity to comment on the Final Form Development Consent Order (DCO) and signed Planning Obligation.

-Interested parties notified of the date, time and departure point of the accompanied site inspection on 12 September.

-Deadline for the Applicant to provide a consolidated final form obligation with technical revisions.

21 August 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 4


Socio-economic factors

22 August 2012 - Deadline 29


Issue-specific hearing on transport and transportation matters at Bridgwater and Albion Rugby Club, Bridgwater.

22 August 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 5


Traffic and Transportation

23 August 2012 - Deadline 30


Issue-specific hearing on Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) matters and ecology at Bridgwater and Albion Rugby Club, Bridgwater.

23 August 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 6


HRA matters and Ecology

24 August 2012 - Deadline 31


Issue-specific hearing on Combwich at Bridgwater and Albion Rugby Club, Bridgwater.

24 August 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 7



29 August 2012 - Deadline 32


Compulsory acquisition hearing at The Exchange, Express Park, Bridgwater.

29 August 2012 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing


2 days

30 August 2012 - Deadline 33


Rule 17 request to Applicant to respond to questions about the temporary jetty.

31 August 2012 - Deadline 34


Procedural decision issued by the Panel inviting interested parties to comment on:

  • the Final Form DCO (as proposed by the Applicant).

  • Planning Agreement (engrossed version), annexes and plans.

  • Response by the Applicant to issues raised at the issue-specific hearings 21 to 24 August.

3 September 2012 - Deadline 35


Rule 17 request to Applicant to respond to questions about Article 45 of the draft DCO.

6 September 2012 - Deadline 36


Fifth open-floor hearing at The Exchange, Express Park, Bridgwater.

6 September 2012 - Open Floor Hearing 5


Final Open Floor Hearing

7 September 2012 - Deadline 37


Deadline for the receipt of comments from interested parties to the Final Form DCO and Planning Agreement (engrossed version).

10 September 2012 - Deadline 38


Rule 17 request to WSC, SCC, Stogursey Parish Council, Fairfield Estate, the MMO, the EA and NE inviting them to comment on the Applicant’s responses to the Rule 17 requests made on 30 August and 3 September.

12 September 2012 - Deadline 39

  • Accompanied site inspection by the Panel.

  • Rule 17 request to Applicant to provide a copy of the Combined Heat and Power Study, referred to in the Sustainability Statement.

12 September 2012 - Site Visit (Accompanied) 3


Details of site visit

12 September 2012 - Site Visit (Accompanied) 4


two day site visit

14 September 2012 - Deadline 40

  • Deadline for the Applicant to respond to the comments from interested parties on the final form DCO and Planning Agreement (engrossed version).

  • Rule 17 request to the Applicant, the EA and NE in relation to Article 33(c) of the draft DCO.

21 September 2012 - Deadline 41


Notification from the Panel to interested parties of the completion of the examination (Planning Act 2008,s99).