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Advice to Lesley Flash

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Lesley Flash
Date advice given
9 December 2010
Enquiry type

Dear Sir or Madam I wish to draw your most urgent attention to the following facts:

The hamlets of Shurton, Burton and Wick are extremely close to the boundary of the proposed development.

EdF produced a consultation document on mitigation proposals for preliminary works (which will have an enormous impact on these communities) and offered a drop-in to discuss them, allowing one month, which is half over.

At the drop-in (which apparently few attended, most being already disenchanted with EdF and distrusting the dissipating effect of drop-in sessions) it was said that should the preliminary works mitigation be accepted it might well be rolled over to cover the full development period but that in any event there would be no second stage

Through the Parish Council members of the community requested a full public meeting with EdF so that all parties could be fully appraised of the nature of the works and thus what response each individual might make to the consultation paper.

At senior management level EdF have refused this request.

I submit that this is a travesty of consultation. Mr Cadoux-Hudson himself has admitted (at closed meeting with the Parish Council) that the parish will 'suffer grievously' and we know it all too well. The least we deserve is full engagement and discussion. I request your response.

Advice given

Thank you for your email. I have read your comments on the consultation being undertaken by EDF in respect of preliminary works.

You will be aware that EDF have informed us that they intend to submit a Development Consent application for a nuclear generating station and associated development to the IPC. Generating stations with an output of over 50MW are Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP), and require Development Consent under the Planning Act 2008. The IPC administers this process.

EDF have not yet made any application to the IPC and as such we are not sure whether or not the preliminary works to which you refer will also be applied for as part of EDF's application for Development Consent to the IPC. We are aware that EDF have and are seeking to bring forward the preliminary works as planning applications to the relevant local authority, ahead of any application to the IPC. Any comments you have about these applications or any related consultation activity should be addressed to EDF and / or the local planning authority responsible for determining those applications.

If the preliminary works you refer to are also included as part of a Development Consent application to the IPC, then EDF will be required to show us that they have consulted effectively with the local community at the pre application stage. The local authorities' views will be sought before a decision is made about whether or not the IPC can accept the application for examination; so you may still wish to make your views known to both EDF and your local authority.

We will keep a copy of your letter and make it available to the Commissioner when an application for Development Consent is submitted. We are not able to comment on the merits of any consultation activity undertaken by EDF, or the merits of any proposed project at Hinkley Point until an application is submitted to the IPC. We have been informed by EDF that they will submit an application to us early next year.


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