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Advice to Steve Ostler

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Steve Ostler
Date advice given
29 February 2012
Enquiry type

IPC Ref EN010001

THE IPC's letter regarding the above makes no mention of Shurton, yet this is the community most affected by the development. Actually, replace affected with devasted.

This all seems like such a "done deal". For your information it does not have universal support in the area. Far from it. The reason it is supported, to some degree, by communities that may be 5 miles or more away from the development is because they see potential for economic benefits, notably jobs, but without the problems that will be faced by those who have the development literally on their doorstep. They would support it on that basis, wouldn't they ? Yet those closest to the proposed development seem to have the least recognition from the IPC.

This is clearly the wrong location for this development. The fact that there are existing reactors at Hinkley is the only reason it is being considered. All other aspects of the local infrastructure, rural and tranquil location, and the nature of the surrounding communities would surely lead to an application being completely rejected were it not for the historical development.

At the very least, the IPC should arrange for a site visit prior to any preliminary works commencing.


Steve Ostler Lower House Farm Shurton TA5 1QE

Advice given

Thank you for your email regarding the above application.

We note your comments regarding the lack of reference to Shurton within the Rule 4 / 6 procedural decision dated 10 February 2012. The information within this letter is intended to be a starting point for discussion and can be revised by the Examining Authority in the light of submissions received at or before the Preliminary Meeting.

Furthermore, the absence of an open floor hearing at Shurton should not be interpreted as meaning that the Examining Authority will not have regard to representations about the effects of the proposal on the local community. In arriving at its final recommendation the Examining Authority will have regard to all relevant and important matters.

We also appreciate that you are concerned that the Examining Authority view the site and surrounding area as soon as possible due to the forthcoming commencement of the site preparation works.

The Preliminary Meeting will present an opportunity for interested parties to put forward their views on the timing of the accompanied site inspections set out in the draft examination timetable. It is open to the Examining Authority to consider if there are reasons why the date and/or timing of site visits may change in the light of the representations made before and during the Preliminary Meeting.

However, the Examining Authority is not able to conduct any formal site inspection until the examination has begun which starts from the day after the Preliminary Meeting (the 22nd March 2012 if the meeting is completed on the 21st).

The Examining also has the ability to undertake unaccompanied site visits throughout the process, although this is constrained by the secure nature of the Hinkley Point site. Your views on this matter will be made available them.

Whether or not it is possible for the Examining Authority to view the site and surrounding area before the preparatory works get underway, interested parties are welcome to submit photographic evidence to the IPC if they feel that it would be relevant to points raised in their representations.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Our Helpdesk is also available for queries on 0303 444 5000.