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Advice to Jackie Ayres & Mr David Ayres

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Jackie Ayres & Mr David Ayres
Date advice given
29 November 2011
Enquiry type

Comments were supplied regarding EDF's pre-application consultation and scheme for Hinkley Point C New Nuclear Power Station.

Advice given

Thank you for your recent correspondence.

The Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) accepted the application for the above development for examination on Thursday 24 November 2011.

At this point it is not possible for us to consider any representations on the merits of the application. There will be an opportunity to register your views as an interested party by making a relevant representation on the prescribed form once the application?s acceptance has been published by the developer.

Under the Planning Act 2008 it is for the developer to decide when the period to register as an interested party starts and ends, but they must allow at least 28 days for people to make their representations. The registration period will be advertised in the local and national press, by site notices, and on our website very soon.

By making a relevant representation at the appropriate time you will become an ?interested party?. Interested parties will receive all of the IPC?s general correspondence regarding the project; will be notified of the application?s key milestones; will have the opportunity to submit further written representations during the application?s examination and participate in the examination hearings.

Further information on the registering as an interested party can be found in our ?Advice note 8.3: Putting your case to the IPC?. A link to this information is provided below.

The IPC will also arrange a number of events in the local community to inform people how to register as an interested party. These events will be publicised in the local press, through posters displayed locally and on our website

I trust this response is helpful. If you have any further questions, please contact us on 0303 444 5000.