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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.

Cyngor i Nicola Ryan-Raine

Yn ôl i'r rhestr


Nicola Ryan-Raine
Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
2 Mehefin 2011
Math o ymholiad

Miss Ryan-Raine queried the IPC process and the methods of involvement for non-interested parties and interested parties wishing to attend and speak at both Issue specific and Open-floor hearings.

Cyngor a roddwyd

Dear Nicola

I'm emailing further to your recent correspondence regarding the Rookery South Open Floor and Issue Specific Hearings. Next Tuesday we will be publishing an advice note with further details on how people can register and participate in the open floor hearing sessions. As in interested party you will be automatically sent a copy of this and you also will have already received letters dated 13 and 26 May from Paul Hudson, the Chair of the Examining authority, setting out details of the forthcoming issue specific hearings.

I have also set out the advice below in relation to the particular queries you have raised in your emails concerning both issue specific and open floor hearings.

The hearings will be held in public but priority will be given to interested parties both in terms of attendance and being able to speak. People wishing to attend any of the issue specific hearing or open floor hearing sessions are requested to write to or email the IPC (contact details below) at least a week before particular issue specific hearing or by 24 June for the open floor hearing sessions. The following information should be provided:
your name; organisation you represent (if relevant); your email or postal address; your interested party reference number (if relevant); whether you wish to speak; the particular issue specific hearing or open floor hearing session you wish to attend; and for issue specific hearings a very brief description of what you wish to speak about.

The contact details are as follows:


Postal address: Infrastructure Planning Commission, Rookery South, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN.

There is no procedure We will contact people to confirm arrangements as soon as possible after they register.

Any interested party who attends an issue specific hearing or open floor hearing session is entitled to speak subject to the Examining authorities control over the conduct of the hearing. The Chair of the Examining authority will seek to be fair in allowing interested parties the opportunity to speak should they wish to do so. It remains important, however, that interested parties inform us in advance if they know at this stage that they wish to speak in order to help the Examining authority determine the running order for the meeting.

For people who are not an interested party, they may still be able to speak, but this will be at the discretion of the Commissioners and this will only be possible if time allows.

Where possible, people who share similar views or concerns about the application are encouraged to nominate a spokesperson to speak on their behalf. For example, residents from a particular village, road or locality may propose one person to make their representations. This will reduce the possibility of different people simply repeating points already made by others and will help the smooth running of the hearing.

If you register to speak in advance but then decide on the day that you do not want to, this is fine. You should just indicate this to a member of the IPC staff at the meeting.

I hope this clarifies matters but should you have any further queries then please do not hesitate to let us know.