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Advice to The Environment Agency

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The Environment Agency
Date advice given
29 September 2010
Enquiry type

As a statutory party how will the Environment Agency be made aware of the progression of an application such as Rookery South?

Advice given

The applicant must give you notice of the accepted application under s56 of the PA 2008 setting a deadline for submission of representations giving notice of an interest in or objection to the application. Once the IPC is aware of the deadline set by the applicant it will add this information to the IPC website page for the Rookery South project; we will publish information that is provided to us but there is no obligation on the applicant to let us have this deadline at the same time as it sends notices to prescribed consultees.

As you know the EA is a statutory party as defined in the Infrastructure Planning (Interested Parties) Regulations 2010 and therefore an 'interested party' under s102 of the PA 2008. This means the IPC will notify you of the preliminary meeting in accordance with s88 of the PA 2008. Although there is no statutory requirement for a statutory party to complete a relevant representation form which will be available on the IPC website in due course, you may wish to complete the same form as other interested parties and in any event we would encourage you to provide your initial comments on the application as this would assist the examining authority in its initial assessment of principal issues for the examination.