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Advice to P Dewhurst

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P Dewhurst
Date advice given
8 October 2014
Enquiry type

Query relating to a newspaper article.

Advice given

Thank you for your email forwarding a copy of an article recently published in the Daily Echo.

The comments made by Mr McNamara in the article form his own viewpoint, and are therefore not for the Planning Inspectorate to comment on. However, the article is factually incorrect on a couple of points which, given that you have emailed with regards to the article, I would like to take the opportunity to clarify for you now.

Firstly, the article refers to an 'Assessor'. To clarify, an Assessor has not been appointed in relation to this application. The Secretary of State has appointed a panel of Inspectors to act as the Examining Authority. The Examining Authority will make a recommendation to the Secretary of State, and it is then for the Secretary of State to determine the application. An Assessor is not the same as the Examining Authority.

Secondly, the deadline of 6 October is referred to in the article. There is a deadline of 6 October, but this deadline is for the submission of a variety of documents including Local Impact Reports and Statements of Common Ground. The timetable which explains what we expect to be submitted by this deadline, was sent to you on 22 September and has also been published on our website. Please refer to the timetable for information relating to deadlines and what is expected at each deadline.