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Advice to Purbeck District Council

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Purbeck District Council
Date advice given
10 November 2011
Enquiry type

Query relates to the status and description of local authorities under the Planning Act 2008.

Advice given

In respect of the query regarding the status and description of authorities under the Planning Act 2008, local authorities are identified as Consultation Bodies in accordance with the criteria under Section 43 of the Planning Act 2008. The local authorities (including District and County Councils and National Park Authorities) where an NSIP is based are known as the 'B' local authorities, while 'A' local authorities are those that share a boundary with a 'B' authority. All 'A' and 'B' authorities must be notified under Regulation 9 of the EIA Regulations 2009. Purbeck District Council shares a boundary with both East Dorset District Council and Dorset County Council where the project is located and was therefore consulted on the scoping report as an 'A' local authority in accordance with Section 43 of the Planning Act.

Further information is provided in the IPC's Advice Note Three (Consultation and notification undertaken by the IPC):

The IPC Scoping Opinion issued in November 2011 contains a list of local authorities as identified by the IPC under s.43 of the Planning Act 2008 for purposes of this specific consultation process. These were identified on the basis of a red line boundary provided by Eneco to the IPC in a GIS shapefile. Please note, that should Eneco refine their boundary in the coming months, this may change the A and B authorities. However if part of the proposed development is within East Dorset, for example a substation, then Purbeck would remain as an A authority. Furthermore, if part of the proposed development was within an authority within Dorset, Purbeck would still be an A authority by virtue of sharing a boundary with the County.