1. Section 51 advice
  2. Advice in detail

Advice to John Sharpe

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John Sharpe
Date advice given
9 March 2015
Enquiry type

Would like to respond to aplicant last submssion, specifically the applicants Appendix 13: Taddiford Gap further clarifications note

Advice given

The next and final deadline is the 10 March 2015 and this is specifically for comments on the further information requested in the ExAs rule 17 letter.

The ExA can use its discretion to accept representations from interested parties on other matters up to the close of the examination, and any such representation would therefore need to be reviewed by the ExA in order to determine whether that discretion should be exercised. However, we would strongly advise that interested parties consider carefully whether such a representation constitutes useful new evidence which has not already been put before the ExA.