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Advice to Bournemouth Airport

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Bournemouth Airport
Date advice given
9 July 2014
Enquiry type

If the CAA are a statutory consultee does ODPM 01/2003 not apply which would result in Bournemouth Airport being a statutory consultee as that circular took the responsibility for safeguarding from the CAA to local aerodromes?

Advice given

Following advice from colleagues, I have been informed that ODPM 01/2003 only applies to Town and Country Planning Act (TCPA) applications and not the Planning Act 2008. As local aerodromes are not listed as a prescribed bodies under the PA 2008, this means that Bournemouth Airport are not automatically a statutory party in relation to the Navitus Bay application.

However, the Examining Authority does have the discretion to accept written or oral representations, throughout the examination, from any party.