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Advice to Roy Pointer

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Roy Pointer
Date advice given
14 August 2013
Enquiry type

Poole and Christchurch Bays' Association have serious concerns that the imaging used by Navitus Bay Development Ltd currently fails to provide valid pictoral descriptions and fails to pick up adequate relationship material such as coastline features.

Advice given

We strongly encouraged you to always share such concerns with the developer in the first instance and would encourage you to ensure that Navitus Bay Development Limited (NBDL) are aware of your specific concerns and suggestions noted in your letter. You also note in your letter that the local authorities will be appraised of your findings, and again we fully support that approach.

As the project is still in the pre-application stage, it would be inappropriate for the Planning Inspectorate to make direct observations about the adequacy of evidence used in NBDL's consultation exercises and/or impact assessments.

Should an application be formally submitted to the Planning Inspectorate and be accepted to progress to examination, to become an interested party and therefore actively participate in the examination you will be asked to submit a relevant representation. This representation is your opportunity to set out to the Examining Authority those matters of issue/concern that you wish to be considered.

It is during the examination stage that an Examining Authority (ExA) may wish to examine the matters you raise in your correspondence in more detail. Should this be discussed during the examination, it would be for the ExA to then report on the matter to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change as part of their Recommendation Report. The Secretary of State would then make the final decision about the scheme.