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Advice to John Searle

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John Searle
Date advice given
18 November 2014
Enquiry type

Query regarding how and when to submit a document into the examination that is not intended to be a new representation, but is additional information to assist the ExA.

Advice given

Thank you for your email and I note that you state that this is not intended as a new representation and that it is intended to provide to the Examining Authority (ExA) certain evidence and information. I am writing to you to offer the following advice under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008 (?PA2008?).

Any evidence or information that interested parties wish to be put before the ExA must be submitted as a written or oral representation (ss 90 and 91 of PA2008 and Rule 10 and 14 the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010) (?the Procedure Rules?). Under rule 21 of the Procedure Rules, the inspectorate will make available copies of representations received.

I therefore ask you to clarify the intended status of your submission. It is not clear if it is intended to be a submission in relation to deadline 3 of the timetable as: ? a response to comments on relevant representations; ? a comment on written representations; ? a comment on responses to the ExA?s written questions; or ? a comment on a Local Impact Report.

If you feel it falls under one of these categories I can ask the ExA to consider accepting your submission as a late submission for that deadline.

If the submission is intended to be a written summary of any oral case you intend to put at the hearings (should the ExA seek views on the subject), I can arrange for this to be published and put before the ExA.

If the submission is not in relation to any of the above I can ask the ExA to consider using their discretion to accept the submission into the examination. I would however ask that if you have any other evidence that you wish to submit that this is submitted in writing at a relevant deadline.

I would be grateful if you could confirm your intended approach.