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Advice to Gordon Ineson

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Gordon Ineson
Date advice given
19 March 2013
Enquiry type

Attention: Planning Directorate.

I wish to lodge my strong objections to this proposed development, and request that you both record my views and place them on record. I base my objection on the following points:

  1. The development is only 9 miles from the Jurassic coast, this could result in it losing its World heritage status. This will impact on the tourism industry.
  2. The UK already has existing sea-based windfarms, surely it would be cheaper and easier to further develop them - than constructing a new farm.
  3. The UK should be building nuclear power stations, as they are more efficient and flexible in terms of electrical power generation.
  4. The proposed location is close to areas of intense sea traffic, thus posing a threat to both shipping and yachts.

Advice given

Thank you for your email received on 18th March 2013 which sets out your concerns regarding the Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm Proposals.

As you may be aware this proposal is identified under the project name of 'Navitus Bay Wind Park formerly Isle of Wight' on the National Infrastructure pages of the Planning Portal website: http://infrastructure.independent.gov.uk/projects/south-east/navitus-bay-wind-park-formerly-isle-of-wight/. At this link you will find contact details given to us by the promoter Navitus Bay Development Limited as well as other relevant correspondence.

This project is currently in the pre-application stage and therefore has not been formally made to the Planning Inspectorate. Until an application is formally made to us, the project promoter is your first point of contact for any comments you have on the proposal. Responding to the developer?s pre-application consultation is the best time to influence a project, whether you agree with it, disagree with it or believe it could be improved. Should an application then be made to the Planning Inspectorate, the promoter will be required to explain how it has taken account of comments received during their consultation. I would therefore strongly encourage you to ensure that Navitus Bay Development Limited are aware of your concerns below.

Should the application be formally submitted and the Planning Inspectorate accept the application to proceed to an examination, there is an opportunity for people to register with the Planning Inspectorate to have their say. By registering at the appropriate time you will be asked to outline your concerns or objections to the Examining Authority.

For more advice on the process and how you can get involved please visit the Planning Portal website where numerous advice notes are available: http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/legislation-and-advice/advice-notes/ . In this instance I recommend the 'advice note eight series: How to get involved in the planning process'.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions on the information above or the process by which the Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Park, if formally submitted, will be determined.