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Advice to Osana Price

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Osana Price
Date advice given
20 October 2011
Enquiry type

Is it possible for non-statutory consultees to participate in the IPC Scoping Opinion consultation?

Advice given

The IPC has invited prescribed consultation bodies to make comments by the 21st October 2011 on a scoping report submitted by Eneco Round 3 Generation Ltd for Navitus Bay Wind Park.

The prescribed consultation bodies and the circumstances where they must be notified, as defined in the EIA reg. 2(1) a-c, are listed in columns 1 and 2 respectively of Schedule 1 of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations and within Section 43 of the Planning Act 2008 (PA 2008) in regards to the applicable local authorities.

There is no formal provision for non-statutory consultees to provide comments directly to the IPC on the scoping report. However, you may submit comments directly to Eneco who have made us aware that there is information on their website for sending your views on any part of the proposals.

As part of the pre-application process there is a statutory requirement for the developer to consult with the local community and a duty to take account of the responses received (Sections 47 and 49 respectively of the PA 2008). We understand that Eneco are working with the local authorities about how this consultation will be undertaken. This would offer you a further formal opportunity to provide your comments to Eneco.

Should the application be submitted to the IPC and subsequently accepted to progress to examination, there will also be the opportunity for you to register as an interested party with the IPC and comment on the application. In the mean time, all comments during the pre-application stage should be directed to Eneco.

If you would like any further information about the IPC role and process during the pre-application stage, please do contact me or view our advice notes via our website.