1. Section 51 advice
  2. Advice in detail

Advice to Peter Fenning

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Peter Fenning
Date advice given
29 August 2014
Enquiry type

I have noted in your letter of 31st July that the Panel has decided to accept the submission of the technical annexes and has set a deadline of 6th October Would you please advise if within these submissions there will be the additional modelling of the bird species Dark Bellied Brent Goose and Bar Tailed Godwit as promised to be supplied at Page 108, section 12.5.106 of Chapter 12 Offshore Ornithology Volume B-Document It is stated that this information will be provided following the submission of the Environmental Statement but prior to the examination phase for the project. At section 12.5.107 it is stated that further estimation of numbers of Common Ten, Sandwich Tern, Arctic Skua and Great Skua will also be provided.

Advice given

The documents referred to in our letter of 31 July are the annexes to Chapter 16, as detailed only and do not include a request for the additional modelling you mention.

Your comments regarding the ornithological data have been brought to the attention of the Panel, and should they feel that the data is required they may ask the applicant to clarify the status of the data. Should it be submitted to us during the examination then it will be published on our website.

Meanwhile if you feel that you require the information prior to the examination you should contact the developer to request it.