1. Section 51 advice
  2. Advice in detail

Advice to Gay Napier

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Gay Napier
Date advice given
30 May 2014
Enquiry type

Phone call enquiring about the process involved for the application of the Navitus Bay Wind Park

Advice given

This application was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on 10 April 2014, and was then subsequently accepted for examination on 8 May 2014. We are currently in the relevant representations period, which is when you can register with the Planning Inspectorate and make a ?relevant representation? so that you will become and ?interested party?. This will give you an opportunity to participate in the examination of the application. The deadline for making a representation is 23 June 2014.

Shortly after the period for making a relevant representation has closed the Secretary of State will appoint the ?Examining Authority? to examine the application. After the close of the registration period, the Examining Authority has up to 21 days to review the application and all relevant representations and identify the principal issues for examination. Following this, the Planning Inspectorate invites all interested parties to attend a meeting, known as the Preliminary Meeting. This is chaired by the Examining Authority and is held to consider how the application will be examined. The meeting may include questions and answers about the key issues that will need to be examined, the timetable for the examination and other important organisational details. However, the merits or otherwise of the application will not be discussed at the meeting, which is purely procedural.

Following the Preliminary Meeting, the Examining Authority will issue a procedural decision including the timetable for the various stages of the examination (including the periods allowed for submission of further written evidence and any hearings the Examining Authority has decided to hold).

The Examining Authority has a statutory duty to complete its examination within 6 months after the last day of the Preliminary Meeting. The examination is a formal legal process, during which careful consideration is given to all the important and relevant matters, including the representations of all interested parties, any evidence submitted and answers provided to questions set out in writing and explained at hearings.

The Planning Inspectorate has published a series of advice notes which explain the process, including information on how to get involved. These are available at the following address: http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/legislation-and-advice/advice-notes/. I would draw your attention in particular to advice notes 8.1 through 8.5.

If you wish to register as an interested party, you will be able to register online from the Navitus Bay project page at the following link: http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/projects/south-east/navitus-bay-wind-park/?ipcsection=overview.