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  2. Advice in detail

Meeting with The Humber LEP

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Meeting with
The Humber LEP
Date of meeting
11 February 2014
Enquiry type

Request at a hearing on how to submit representations to the Hornsea examination

Advice given

As requested, I have attached the hearing notification letter, which details where and when the hearings are taking place.

I have also attached the hearing agendas: http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/EN010033/2.%20Post-Submission/Hearings/Open%20Floor%20Hearing%20-%2011-02-2014%20-%200815%20-%20The%20Humber%20Royal/Agendas%20for%20Hearings.pdf

As discussed, these may get updated after this week?s hearings and the next submission deadline, if they do, they will appear on our project page of the National Infrastructure pages of the Planning Portal Website: http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/projects/yorkshire-and-the-humber/hornsea-offshore-wind-farm-zone-4-project-one/

All the deadlines and hearings for the examination are detailed in the examination timetable which is appended to the Rule 8 Letter: http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/EN010033/2.%20Post-Submission/Procedural%20Decisions/Rule%208%20Letter.pdf. This letter also provides further information on the examination and how to participate.

The next deadline is 24 February 2014. This is the date at which, the Examining Authority have requested any written submissions following oral submissions given at the hearings this week to be submitted. In addition to any submission you make, the Examining Authority request you submit supporting documents produced by or relied upon by the LEP. This should include, but is not limited to the Hull and Humber City Deal document.

The Examining Authority may, during the course of the examination, vary the timetable, should this take place, a letter will be sent to all interested parties. As the LEP have not requested to become an interested party in this examination as yet, you will not automatically receive these, or any other communications.

Further general advice on examination under the Planning Act 2008 can be found in advice notes produced by the Planning Inspectorate, a full suite of advice notes are available online at: http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/legislation-and-advice/advice-notes/. Advice notes 8.1 to 8.5 focus on the examination.