Cyngor i Kent Wildlife Trust
Yn ôl i'r rhestrYmholiad
- Oddiwrth
- Kent Wildlife Trust
- Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
- 24 Mai 2012
- Math o ymholiad
Kent Wildlife Trust has been reviewing our position in relation to attendance at the examination in public for the Kentish Flats Wind farm extension. We feel that we have presented our case within the two sets of written representations with scientific evidence to support our view. We have also signed a SOCG with Vattenfall regarding issues of agreement and disagreement in relation to impacts on the Red Throated Diver population.
We do not feel that we have any further information to contribute and wish to rely on our written representations to support our case. We are a small organisation and have to use the limited resources we possess in the most efficient way possible. For these reason we would ask the inspector?s permission to withdraw from appearing at the examination.
We would request that we kept informed of any further submissions in respect of ecological issues and consulted, if felt to be appropriate, on the HRA to be produced. We would also request that we are informed of the final decision.
We look forward to hearing from you regarding this issue
Cyngor a roddwyd
Thank you for letting us know that you won't be attending at the hearings for the Kentish Flats Extension.
As Kent Wildlife Trust is an interested party in the Kentish Flats Extension Wind Farm DCO application not attending at the hearings will in no way affect your rights as an Interested Party. As such you will also continue to receive any correspondence being sent to all Interested Parties including the notification of the final decision.