Advice to Ray Bryant
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- From
- Ray Bryant
- Date advice given
- 26 February 2014
- Enquiry type
Email from Local Planning Authority requesting extension for deadlines set in draft timetable for examination.
Advice given
Thank you for your email received on 24 February 2014 informing us that you wish to attend the Preliminary Meeting on 13 March 2014.
I note from your email that you wish to make a request for an extension of deadlines set in the draft timetable in letter dated 18 February 2014.
Please note that it is for the appointed Examining Authority ?ExA? to decide how to examine the application. The Preliminary Meeting is chaired by the ExA and is held to consider how the application is to be examined. Moreover, the purpose of the meeting may include questions and answers related to the final timetable for examination and general organisational matters. At the meeting, the ExA will discuss the draft timetable with the parties as set in the letter dated 8 February 2014. Following the meeting, the ExA will consider all the requests received at the PM and a further letter known as the (Rule 8) will be sent out to parties informing them of the final timetable for examination of the application.
I therefore suggest attending and raising your request directly to the ExA at the meeting.
As you already noticed, as a part of the examination the ExA will invite relevant local authorities including NYCC to submit their Local Impact Report (LIR) and make other submissions. We strongly encourage NYCC as a relevant local authority to use this period of time to start your own evaluation of the local impacts of the proposal. Please note that LPA are encouraged to prioritise of their LIR irrespectively of whether the LPA considers the development would have positive or negative impact on the area.
Please note that Local Impact Reports play important role and when coming to a decision the Secretary of State must have regard to any LIRs that are submitted by local authorities within the set deadline. Local Planning Authorities are therefore encouraged to produce LIRs when they are invited to do so.
I am including the link to our Advice Note on Local Impact Report below: