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31 October 2023

On 17 August 2023 the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) received a request from Ørsted to vary the Deemed Marine Licences (DML) contained within Schedules 9 and 11 of the Hornsea Two Offshore Wind Farm Order 2016 (PDF, 1 MB).

The MMO has now completed its consideration of the request and, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 72(3)(d) of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, has determined to make the variations as detailed in the documentation published on the MMO website:

26 May 2023

The Examination documents relating to this project have been archived and are no longer available on this site. The Secretary of State's decision and Development Consent Order can be viewed on the Documents tab.

To find out where to view the Certified Documents please refer to the contact details set out in the Explanatory Note of the Development Consent Order.

16 August 2016

Decision made by the Secretary of State

30 March 2016

The Planning Inspectorate submitted a recommendation report to the Secretary of State on 16 March 2016
The Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change issued a consultation letter to Joint Nature Conservation Committee and Natural England on 29 March 2016.

16 June 2015

Examination begins

15 May 2015

The Examining Authority have issued the Rule 6 letter, notifying of the Preliminary Meeting and draft examination timetable. The Examining Authority have also accepted a number of documents submitted by the Applicant during the pre-examination period.

The Examination Library has been published for this project.

The Rule 6 has been republished following an incorrect email address. If you have already attempted to contact the case team using the previous @infrastructure address, please resend to

27 April 2015

The relevant representation period has now closed. The relevant representations have been published.

24 April 2015

Relevant representations published on the website

22 April 2015

Registration of interested parties closes

17 March 2015

You can now register as an interested partyRegister online
If you are unable to complete a registration form online and would like to register your interest, please call the helpline on: 0303 444 5000 to request a paper form. Advice Note about Registering

The Applicant has submitted a letter to the Inspectorate regarding the incorrect uploading of the Aviation, Military and Communication Technical Report (Doc ref The correct document and the letter have both been published. Please note the Inspectorate had received the document in hard copy for the acceptance.

11 March 2015

Registration of interested parties begins

11 February 2015

This application was received by the Planning Inspectorate on 30 January 2015.

The applicant has agreed that all application documents can be published as soon as practicable upon submission to help everyone become familiar with the detail of what is being proposed in this application.

This provision is solely for the purpose of allowing more time to all those who wish to become familiar with the detail of what is being proposed ahead of the relevant representation period without lengthening the overall time required for the application process. There will be no opportunity at this stage to make comments on the application. However, if the application is accepted anyone interested in the application will be able to register and express their views during the relevant representation stage and the subsequent examination.

View guidance on the requirements and procedures of the pre-application process

30 January 2015

Application received by the Planning Inspectorate

16 June 2014

A new voluntary evidence plan process, which is the responsibility of the Major Infrastructure and Environment Unit (MIEU) which sits within Defra, seeks to address Habitats Directive issues in development consent order applications. An evidence plan has now been published for the Hornsea Project Two.