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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

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Cyfarfod gyda Chris McKerrow

Yn ôl i'r rhestr


Cyfarfod gyda
Chris McKerrow
Dyddiad y cyfarfod
7 Gorffennaf 2016
Math o ymholiad

Advice on the applicants Non-Material Change request consutee list

Cyngor a roddwyd

Thank you for providing your draft list of consultees for the proposed non-material change requests. We have the following advice to give regarding the amended consultee lists for Hirwaun and Progress Power. The advice is without prejudice to any decision the secretary of state may make and I hope you find it helpful.

Progress Power

On the basis of their previous involvement in the examination, we consider that you might wish to provide additional justification to the Secretary of State (SoS) on why you do not propose to consult the following consultees:

Andrew P Colchester Arqiva Telecommunications Asset Development Company Limited David Ellis Eleanor Havers (Agent to the Talbots) Eleco plc Gordon Ellis Talbot Harry Charles Moore Hayley Talbot HSBC Bank plc John Cole Farms Limited Mr McGowen Quiet Sports Fishery Management St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Board of Finance Steve Jacobs Tracy Lorraine Jacobs UK Power Networks Limited.

For similar reasons, you may also wish to retain the following consultees:

Brome & Oakley Parish Council Common Concern South Norfolk Council

There were also a number of people who registered as Interested Parties expressly for the examination and you may wish to consider consulting them directly as part of this.


On the basis of their previous involvement in the examination, we consider that you might wish to provide additional justification to the Secretary of State (SoS) on why you do not propose to consult the following consultees:

Ashtenne (AIF) Limited Ashtenne Industrial Fund Nominee No. 1 Limited British Gas Trading Limited Canal and River Trust Carol Ann Jenkins CCF Limited Cefn Strain Gauges Limited Celtic Energy Limited Ceridwyn Short Deepan Rasiklal Khiroya Eftec Limited Eunice Davies Forward Sound Limited Ifan Geraint Jenkins International Greetings UK Limited J.D Burford Limited James Snowdon Mark Newman Nabeel Yunis Soroya Naveed Amir Soroya Paul Jonathan Lloyd Phillip Sedgemore Sandeep Rasiklal Khiroya Skipton Building Society South Wales Electricity Limited Swan Mill (Holdings) Limited Tallyspace Limited Tip Top Toilets Limited Walter Energy Inc Walters Plant Hire Limited Welsh Tyre Recycling Services Limited Wendy Joseph West & Wales Utilities Limited

The Inspectorate would recommend the applicant to retain on its consultee list the following consutlees as they partook in the examination process:

Neath Port Talbot Network Rail Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd Royal Mail South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner

We note you have excluded some S.56(2)(d) consultees in the table below. According to our records these s.56 (2) (d) persons were not included in the application book of reference revision 3. It might therefore be prudent to clarify to the SoS how these parties have been identified and why their rights are not being infringed by the changes applied for.

Lloyds Bank plc LR (Cardiff) Limited Metech Recycling (UK) Limited National Westminster Bank plc Nationwide Building Society Nigel Morrison Peter Burford Richard Gordon Oliver Rodd Properties Limited Rowe Estates (UK) Limited Simon Jeremy Bryant Susan Purnell Taylors Crisps Limited The Authentic Curry Company Limited The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Union Pension Trustees Limited Wilfred Vaughan Jones Wolseley UK Limited Wolseley Utilities Limited WTB Properties Limited

A minor final point - you may also wish might want to review the entry saying Occupier(s) as it is currently unclear which plots this relates to.