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Advice to Wakefield Council

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Wakefield Council
Date advice given
17 November 2014
Enquiry type

Thank you for sending through details of the notice of Preliminary Meeting and the draft timetable for examination of the application in relation to the above, dated 10th November.

I am writing to request a 14 day extension to the deadline dates you have provided. The first deadline date of Tuesday 13th January 2015 is of particular concern as this will provide this Authority with considerable difficulty given that the Local Impact Report (LIR) will need to be referred to Members of our Planning & Highways Committee. The scheduled date of Committee is the 15th January 2014. We are unable to achieve an earlier Committee date in December given the level of work associated with preparing the LIR.

I would be grateful if you could give consideration to this request and look forward to hearing from you.

Advice given

Thank you for your email. I will put it forward as a submission to the preliminary meeting, as the timetable is still in draft form and the preliminary meeting is the platform for it to be discussed. Please could you advise if you or a colleague will be attending the preliminary meeting and if so, if you wish to speak.

I would like to draw your attention to Planning Inspectorate Advice Note 1 Local Impact Reports (http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Advice-note-1v2.pdf) which states ? Local authorities should ensure any necessary internal authorisation processes are in place to meet the timetable. It is entirely a matter for local authorities to determine whether or not an LIR requires approval by Members and in what form.?

Please also see paragraphs 51 ? 56 of the DCLG guidance for the examination of applications for development consent: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/192673/Planning_Act_2008_-_Guidance_for_the_examination_of_applications_for_development_consent.pdf

The Examining Authority (ExA) endeavours to consider timetabling issues where possible but there are a number of factors we need to take into consideration when preparing a timetable for examination which is why we cannot always accommodate these requests. Given that there is a possibility that the ExA may not be able or willing to accommodate your local authority?s timetabling request in respect of the LIR deadline, I would strongly advise that you continue to make every effort to ensure that whatever authorisations are required can be achieved in order to meet the draft timetable deadline.