Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by David Horton

Date submitted
30 November 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed site of the power station abuts the village of Friston where I live. It will destroy the character of the whole area and it cuts right across the ancient public right of way where we take our daily walk. The proposed site is on slightly elevated land and will be severely detrimental to the village’s existing flood defences. The site occupies good agricultural land. If Sizewell is really out of the question as an option for its placement, why not insist that Scottish Power examine the use of brownfield sites rather than virgin agricultural land? And why not re-visit the use of Bramford (Ipswich) as the preferred site for the substations, as was the original plan agreed between Scottish Power and National Grid back in 2008, and which is already being used by Scottish Power for their East Anglia One substation? The road network around Friston is totally unsuited to the inevitable heavy traffic associated with such a major building project. Considerable further work and expense would be required before construction could begin and the noise and traffic congestion would put an unbearable strain on village life. The village of Friston is a popular holiday destination, with many of the houses available for holiday rentals. The choice of Friston as the site for the substation would have a detrimental impact on the tourist trade which in turn would affect the money coming into the area, whereas the substations and their construction would bring no economic benefits to the residents of the village