Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Martin Cotter

Date submitted
2 December 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My property is a listed building and sighted a few hundred metres north of the proposed infrastructure locations. This area of Suffolk is still one of the few unspoilt idylls left in our industrialised lands and whilst I have a vested interest in objecting to the sighting of the proposed infrastructure I also feel that this definitely is not the right location for 35 acres of concrete and steel. It seems to me pure madness to wantonly destroy miles of countryside with needless cable corridors and substation sightings when there are perfectly sound and environmentally friendly ways to achieve the climate reduction goals our government has signed up to. The development of an offshore ring main with landfall and substations at brown field sites is a perfectly plausible solution enabling the required goals to be achieved without the destruction of our heritage assets. Be mindful as the examining body that this is just the first of many applications for grid connection that will come once the rest of the North Sea becomes available to the highest builder. How many more substations are we going to allow before we realise that what we have destroyed is not retrievable. Main Points. 1. This is not the correct location for industrial infrastructure on this scale. 2. Historically Friston has had flooding issues many time. This will only exasperate the situation. 3. Coastal locations and brownfield sites should be considered in the first instance. 4. National grid should be made to supply the infrastructure so Wind farms can get grid connection at costal land fall. 5. This project will cause unlimited environmental harm Kind Regards Martin Cotter. 02/12/2019