Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Rosie Norton

Date submitted
9 December 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My chief concern involving this application is the detrimental effect it will have on a beautiful part of Suffolk which is enjoyed by residents and visitors alike, This area is of major importance to wildlife, in particular to various types of birds, and reptiles sich as adders and lizards, which need all the protection we can give them. Adders specifically are reducing in numbers over the whole country, so this part of Suffolk should be given greater protection, and not have to endure years of disturbance and destruction of habitat. They need our protection. The amount of land that will be required to take these cables across land in a heritage area is unacceptable, and an offshore hub would be far more practical for these cables, due to the problems of a receding coastline and real threat of flooding. I would like to see this application refused cabling over land because this Heritage Coast needs to be preserved for future generations. The apllication for connections to the National Grid should be dealt with offshore.