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Representation by Donald Biggs

Date submitted
5 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Impact on Our Community and Legacy of Scottish Power Friston Project We need sustainable energy and windfarms provide a valuable contribution to our need for power and hopefully will for generations to come. It would also be good to protect and preserve our environment. Can it possibly make sense to destroy large parts of rural Suffolk by allowing uncontrolled development of onshore infrastructure by companies whose main aim is the making of profit not the welfare of residents, the preservation of the environment or the long term prosperity of the county. Central national planning of sustainable energy provision taking long term issues into consideration should be a major aim of national government given the authority to properly monitor and control the activities of all companies involved in the development of our energy resources. It must not be possible for Scottish Power or any other company to interpret regulation relating to the environment or to the welfare of people to suit their own short- term planning and profiteering. Issues relating to the impact of construction work and the probable escalation and expansion of further future developments once the dam has been breached need to be major factors in overall planning and not left to the whim of developers. If Scottish Power are allowed to proceed as they intend with developments like that proposed in Friston there will soon be no Suffolk Coastal as we know it or that anyone will want to visit. The area will become an industrial wasteland devoid of all that currently makes it so special, a national and indeed international asset. Summary of Our Personal Representations • No evidence of national planning • Little concern for construction impact ie unknown length of time, 64m swathe of cable corridor, constant traffic hold-ups on inadequate roads, constant noise, dust, light pollution. • Poor high impact design compared to other such schemes. • 30 plus acres of infrastructure initially with more to follow. We do not know how much. • Deliberately deceptive views of facility position in relation to Friston in Scottish Power presentations. • Misleading suggestions of locals being offered jobs. At the same time the destruction of the tourist industry. • No investigation of flooding, which is already a concern. • We have a right to the status quo of no discernible noise from the substations inside or outside our homes day or night. • Nobody believes the screening by planting of deciduous trees will be of any use until 20 years hence. What has become of Sizewell evacuation plan?