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Representation by Jan Bullard

Date submitted
8 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to register my support of all representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council concerning the SPR and National Grid planning proposals. In addition I would like to outline the impact that these proposals would have on my life, and the lives of all my family - * Character of Friston - because of the close proximity of the proposed substations to Friston, the whole character of our village would be destroyed - our footpaths, our views, our wildlife, our tranquility. No mitigation can restore this and we would have lost the core values of living here for ever. * Light pollution - the inevitable task and security lighting would be devastating to the beauty and clarity of our wonderful night skies and we would lose all sense of being in unspoilt countryside. Wildlife and plant life would all suffer under incessant light. * Noise pollution - this would have a huge impact and there would be no escape from it. This is our home, and SPR’s proposals would take away all the peace and joy of living in Friston * Heritage - these proposals would permanently destroy hundreds of years of naturally evolving and irreplaceable beautiful countryside. The Suffolk coastline, along with its unspoilt villages, is one of the most beautiful areas of the UK and until now has been wonderfully and carefully preserved. We have seven Grade 2 listed buildings in Friston including two Grade 2* buildings, and the views of these - particularly of our beautiful Norman church St Mary’s - would be utterly blighted. The hugely negative impact of these proposals on this area would be immeasurable, and the effect on tourism and jobs would be devastating. We would be leaving a shocking legacy of destruction, not just of the land but also of a way of life. Renewable energy is vital, and the North Sea is an abundant resource, but the proposed blighting and churning up of our irreplaceable landscape would have a catastrophic effect on the life of every person in this area as well as our precious wildlife. The exceptional quality of this village and this part of the country would be forever denied to future generations.