Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Reginald Herring

Date submitted
10 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council and want them considered as part of my representation. I strongly oppose the building of EA1N. My main reasons for this opposition are summarised: The scale of this site is out of all proportion to our village and its rural surroundings and will overwhelm its current charms and calm. I selected property in Friston for this rural setting which will be lost by the proposed construction of this industrial installation and its significant footprint. The noise and light from the construction and its ongoing working will negatively affect mine and neighbours life. My use of the area around the site will be disrupted by construction and future working, walkways abandoned, traffic use greatly increased particularly during the construction period which will extend over a number of years. Flood risk will be significantly increased, current anti- flood measures are proving inadequate so more construction can only dangerously worsen this risk. Negative impact on the value of my house. The negative impact on wildlife and bird life from the removal of long established habitats. The proposed mitigating measures are totally inadequate, and show a disregard for the rural environment and the physical scale of the site. The changes to narrow local roads for construction and ongoing maintenance will negatively impact on my access and movement around my neighbourhood. The Cable Corridor across a significant distance from the coast to Friston is unacceptable in terms of its impact on villages and the rural environment and calls into question the need to establish this site so far from the coast.