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Representation by James White Drinks Ltd (James White Drinks Ltd)

Date submitted
12 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My company James White Drinks Ltd is a fruit and vegetable juice manufacturer located in Mid Suffolk. The multitude of major infra structure projects proposed for the area between Thopeness, Sizewell and Saxmundham require a co-ordinated approach to their planning not the project by project approach currently proposed. This failure to co-ordinate will be unnecessarily massively disruptive to the local community. Our primary concerns are that the local road infrastructure cannot cope with the huge additional number of vehicle journeys ( especially heavy lorries). This will disrupt our business operations but more importantly will deter tourists that are vital to the currently thriving local economy. The scale of works will also cause major disruption to the local employment situation drawing away people currently employed in the tourist industry resulting in a diversion of resources away from this thriving long term industry to these short term construction projects - which will largely rely on unskilled workers temporarily shipped in to the community (who can be a very disruptive influence). What is left once the projects are completed are very few additional jobs relating to this infra structure work and a badly damaged tourist economy which may never survive because of the damage done by the projects. The appeal to tourism of the area is the existence of so many thriving shops, restaurants, sports facilities ( sailing, golf, tennis) and the Snape Maltings and other cultural events. A major hiatus to the local roads and the loss of employment and investment in servicing tourists for several years will severely damage the local areas long term major economic activity. My company loses ( admittedly marginally) because we supply many of the local farm shop/ delis, pubs and restaurants. This damage could be avoided with a co-ordinated approach to all Windfarm projects and the consideration of a ring main linking them at sea before making landfall closer to where the energy is required and preferably on a brown field site rather than in the middle of a major tourist destination.