Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Lee Barnes

Date submitted
17 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Examining Authority I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application for the following reasons. - The affect on local communities in regards to up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively of 15 years will be disastrous! - To have the substations based in this area of unspoilt countryside let alone Friston! - The substations will be dangerously close and dominating small villages suseptable to flooding - The Cable route will scar 11km of this beautiful landscape of which a lot of it is running through an area of outstanding natural beauty. this will also cause detrimental affect on the wildlife corridor. - Cable trenches and Haul roads are unacceptably close to residential homes - The threat to wildlife and the important Sandlings heath. - Destruction of ancient woodlands! Of which would be home to millions of creatures big and small, destroying centuries of biodiversity - The roads are unsuitable for the high traffic number and HGVs that the roads are not used to. the amount of traffic on roads will be so much higher causing danger to residents and cyclists. Emergency services will be slower, endangering lives! - Suffolks famous dark skies lost! - Tranquility will be lost forever due to noise pollution - The tourism in this part of Suffolk is so important for the local economy. This work will cause less visitors. Equally amounting to loss of trade to local businesses. I live along the River Hundred. I am extremely concerned that the flood risk will be severely affected due to the cable route running through it. We have never had flooding reach our premises. It is so important to either place the substations in brown field sites or a ring main. Surely all future substations could then link into one ring main reducing the destruction that current plans will cause. Lastly I am 100% in support of green energy and wind farms, but the way in which this has been planned and how Friston has been chosen is inconceivable. Friston is affected the most but it will destroy all villages along the cable route. The substation needs to have a ring main out to sea.