Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Rosemary Kersey

Date submitted
17 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I fully endorse the views of Friston Parish Council and SASES in their objection to this project. The loss of amenity land where the onshore works will be 400metres from, and will destroy the character of the village of Friston. The footpaths are well used, including by visitors as a lovely circular walk which will be permanently lost. People will have to drive elsewhere for the use of other amenity land therefore negatively impacting these other areas. The character of the village is quiet, rural and tranquil. The onshore substations will visually harm the village and surrounding areas, and destroy the character, setting and peaceful nature of this area. The substantial loss of land will result in a huge loss to wildlife including badger setts, bat roosting sites, barn owls and farmland birds such as skylarks. There are also very rare lesser-horseshoe bats identified. The mitigation planting is inadequate and questionable. The onshore site has not been assessed properly for flooding which will impact the village of Friston greatly, given that the watercourse is unsuitable and village suffers from flooding already. Surface water runoff will increase but the removal of field drainage systems including an existing drainage pit has been ignored and EA1N will be built on top of this drainage pit. These onshore substations are not the best design, where other wind farm developments are low profile to reduce the visual impacts. There is no light or noise pollution in the village of Friston, these developments will permanently disrupt the lives of people and wildlife here. The roads in this area are not big enough to cope with the increase in traffic, lots being single tracks around the village of Friston, substation and cable route.