Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Elizabeth Kerridge

Date submitted
17 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons:- . impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12 to 15 years . unsuitability and fragility of Thorpeness cliffs as site for landing cables . use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for substation complexes the size of Wembley Stadium . substations, cable trenches and haul roads dangerously close to residential homes . threat to wildlife and important Sandlings Heath . Destruction of ancient woodland . local road network unsuitable for high traffic levels. Increased traffic danger to cyclists and residents . light pollution. Suffolk's famous dark skies lost . noise pollution. Suffolk's peace and tranquility lost . air pollution from traffic and trenches . impact on tourism. Loss of natural beauty and congestion will deter tourists . permanent and temporary closure of PRoWs (footpaths, bridleways, byways and cycle paths) . in the event of a nuclear incident the evacuation routes would be severely hampered