Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Mrs P Weston

Date submitted
18 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish council, and am very worried about the affect the project will have on the village of Friston and the surrounding area. My husband and I have lived in Essex for over 50 years , and raised a family and still farm there. After 20 years of spending time in Suffolk we decided that Friston is the most desirable place (we could easily re locate ) and after residing there for only 2 years are outraged that desecrating this rural community should be allowed to happen – these are some of my reasons: Friston Village supports an ageing population particularly vulnerable to disruption caused by the construction work, and later by the on going presence of such a dominant feature.This peace and tranquility has endured for centuries and should be preserved for generations to come. The Wider Area -ringed by listed buildings-5 grade11 , 2 grade 11*, re-routing of several ( often used) footpaths. The flood risk (already a problem). Desecration of wildlife on 83 acres of grade 2 and 3 agricultural land. All of the above render Friston unsuitable to provide accomodation for visitors enjoying nearby Aldeburgh and will therefore impact tourism and employment in the area. Communications In the last 2 years we have observed a considerable increase in traffic/congestion in the area. If this is bringing tourism/employment and reflects progression- it cannot be a bad thing, but surely the area cannot sustain the increase in traffic/pollution necessitated by this proposal. Cable Corridor Issues I am primarily concerned that this proposal will result in a further loss of habitat, agricultural land, and accentuate all of my above concerns to many more people living in such a large area. This impact, resources, and energy used in creating a cable corridor 9km. long are considerable. In conclusion I wish to say that whereas I have some understanding of the need for 'renewable energy', and do not consider myself to be a 'nimby', I think Friston is an impossibly bad choice of site.