Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Danielle Swanson

Date submitted
18 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This new renaming of Suffolk as the “Energy Coast” is an underhand attempt by the Govt to sneak through various unpopular schemes for building Sizewell C and D and the Friston Substation and Scottish Powers plans for giant offshore wind turbines ,all of which under the guise of providing Green Energy are going to destroy hundreds of acres of important wildlife habitat, will destroy beyond recognition a huge section of our Heritage Coast ,wipe out the habitat at RSPB Minsmere for thousands of migratory species , potentially destroy the tourist industry which depends on our sites of special natural beauty to attract visitors, wipe out the nascent and increasingly lucrative film location appeal of Suffolk and in the light of a potential Nuclear disaster such as the one at Chernobyl or Fukushima or Three Mile Island render 2000 square kilometres in and around Suffolk uninhabitable for several thousand years. This is not some negative futuristic dystopian nightmare but a real and possible outcome if we build more dangerous water pressure Nuclear reactors which are of exactly the same design as those I’ve mentioned in the previous disasters. it’s a dangerous outmoded design which will provide power for London NOT Suffolk . The substation at Friston would bury viable arable farmland that we will need to feed our own population after we leave the EU under acres of concrete and as there is already a substation at Bradwell on Sea in Essex the cables could easily be routed under the sea to the existing substation with minimal disruption and disfigurement to a site of great natural beauty on the famous approach to Aldeburgh. Please reconsider this damaging policy, this is not the way forward for an advanced economy when the majority of European countries and the World’s super powers are moving away from Nuclear technology in favour of less environmentally destructive renewables. Apart from anything else it currently costs £100 to produce a megawatt of electricity from nuclear power whereas it costs £39 to produce the same megawatt from Renewables.... surely it is clear which way the future lies? lets leave Suffolk a better, greener county for our children, not a blighted landscape buried in concrete and nuclear domes !!