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Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Michael Farley

Date submitted
19 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sirs or Madams I writing this as to my concerns on the proposed developments by Scottish Power EA1N. I live in the village were this development is intended and it seams to me that there has been very little thought about the disruption this will cause to the village of Friston. It has very small and narrow roads that by what is being proposed will more or less cut us off at times. Most of the residents of Friston are (to be polite ) older which means that there is more demand for medical services with the nearest at Saxmundham and Leiston getting there at times of need is vital for the residents. Also carers and visiting nursing staff which are essential for some residents may not be able to get to there patients when needed this will also apply to emergency services ambulances, police and fire. Bus services will also be disrupted and/or by-pass Friston due to the works meaning that people will be more stuck and unable to go shopping or attending there various hobbies, friends and pastimes which are a great benefit to older people. The damage to the environment is also a concern. This is a very beautiful area and a lot of it is likely to be destroyed or changed, damaging the abundant wildlife here. Some footpaths will be lost or changed to skirt the development which will not be a pleasant walk anymore around a building site and then a large industrial facility. The damage to tourism must not be overlooked a lot of jobs rely on this including tradespeople who maintain holiday cottages and houses in the area, who will want holiday here with road disruption, noise and tranquility lost. There several listed buildings in the area which could be damaged due to vibrations whilst works are undertaken, older structures do not have the deep and solid foundations and bases that newer builds have. There will be light pollution whilst this construction is happening and when it is completed as there is proposed 24 hour lighting at all times. Water run off is likely to cause problems as this year we have had some of our roads covered in quite deep puddles to long stretches of road so the water coming off the site will all contribute to make things worse. As far as I can gather the site selection process was defective especially in regard to National Grid Works as to how this site was chosen. The cabling corridor trenches is absolutely deplorable as they come from Thorpeness (big tourist draw) all the way to Friston the damage and disruption this will cause to Thorpeness and all the villages to Friston is likely to be very bad. This will cause property prices to fall, which are a lot of peoples retirement fund so this will cause worry and stress to a lot of people along this route. I feel that common sense should prevail here and to plan this project to be nearer the coast as this will cause least disruption to lots of inland villages and lovely countryside. We all know that progress on energy supply must improve and I for one am in favour of wind and solar power but to destroy and disrupt so much when other solutions or possible using already industrialised sites e.g. Sizewell and Leiston industrial area which are on the coast or just slightly in land. The plans that are being proposed are not a short term thing, seeing all the possible future developments that may occur here means that all of this will continue for many years and things always turn out to be bigger and larger than what was originally proposed. Yours Faithfully M. Farley