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Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Nicola (Ning) Fulford

Date submitted
19 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council - As a resident of Friston Village - please acknowledge my objection to this application. Two separate SPR projects applied for under one application so EVERYTHING IS DOUBLED! It is shocking that a Green Energy project is allowed to ‘scope out’ its responsibility to local people and environments for profit. Noise pollution During construction: 24/7 generators to power lighting. Industrial equipment during the working day (6 days a week). When substation turned on: 34dBLAeq5min reference level now proposed rather than 35dBLLAeq15min but currently only applies to residential homes marked as SSR2 and SSr5 - rather than all residential locations. Super-grid transformers and their cooling fans are noisy but Harmonic Filters now identified as the noisiest items (also tallest at 18m) which are now unscreened! SPR claim no ‘humming’ noise (Tonality) – this is nonsense, go and stand near Galloper at Sizewell to hear the hum. Impact of atmospheric effects is also a concern (elephants communicating at dawn/dusk). There should be no discernible noise from the substations inside or outside our homes in Friston day or night – this should be proven by measurement prior to construction, not just a calculation on paper. Light pollution During construction: 24/7 industrial security lighting for site (plus all other construction consolidation sites). During operation: security lighting possibly motion sensitive Pollution – generators will be belching out fumes 24/7 Fumes from industrial equipment during working day Flood risk Current village drainage infrastructure is inadequate. SPR state clearly there is an increase in flood risk and sediment mobilization due to their development – but does not show that their proposed mitigation measures are sufficient, feasible or achievable. No assessment of the adequacy of the Friston Watercourse has been undertaken. SPR take no proper account of surface water flooding. SPR propose two new retention ponds on the substation site but ignore the existing field drainage system (which will be removed). These matters of environmental impact must be addressed prior to consent. Onshore ecology Permanent removal of approximately 30 acres of wildlife habitat across the substation site is unacceptable. There will be permanent effects on birds and wildlife due to light and noise pollution from the substations. Cable route: During the lengthy construction period all types of wildlife along the cable route will be disrupted and/or displaced. Permanent loss of ancient woodland. Landfall at Thorpeness – cliffs already fragile Route far too close to residential housing. Construction noise assessment and impact on residents grossly underestimated. There is no commitment to restore woodland or to remove the haul roads and return land to as before. Substation design issues There is no low impact design for this site – it is all about the ‘bottom line’ there is no requirement to consider the inhabitants of the surrounding area (both human and wildlife) The technology exists to make this building smaller/less intrusive and for it to be quiet – this would cost money that SPR are not willing to spend. Traffic/Roads Inadequate and delusional proposals made.