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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.

Yn ôl i'r rhestr East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Cynrychiolaeth gan Alan Cardy

Dyddiad cyflwyno
19 Ionawr 2020
Cyflwynwyd gan
Members of the public/businesses

I note the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council and support and personally agree with all the issues raised in their submission. I live just 300 metres from the proposed sub-station site and less than 200 metres from the proposed haul-way I am extremely concerned by the proposals set out in Scottish Power’s Development Consent Order application. My main areas of concern are as follows:- • The negative visual impact in respect of both the permanent and temporary loss of century’s old rural views. The cable route will remain a scar along its length for many years after the completion of the EAN1 & EA2 cable installation especially as there is no commitment to remove the haul-way at the end of the works and there is an acknowledgement in the order that further projects are being lined up to utilise the National Grid facility at Friston. • The temporary and permanent destruction of habitat to the high quality agricultural and natural landscape including that of the AONB. • The negative impact on the cultural heritage of this part of East Suffolk. Friston has a number of Listed Buildings within sight of the proposed sub-station. • Noise – The permanent and temporary impact of the proposals including tonality. The figures that form part of the application appear to be somewhat arbitrary and questionable.. • Lighting I am disturbed by the potential implications for dark skies and the effect on local fauna. • The disruption to the whole area during the construction and pre-construction stages with increased traffic movements of both heavy commercial vehicles and unregulated private vehicles associated with the construction, the construction activity itself, the closure of rights of way, etc. • Economic Impacts a) The permanent on-shore infrastructure, the temporary construction works, the disruption to traffic and the destruction of natural and built heritage will have a significant detrimental effect on tourism. b) The proposals will result in the loss of prime agricultural land at Friston and along the cable route will lead to economic loss. c) There will be virtually no jobs for residents of East Suffolk except possibly a few in Lowestoft in respect of the off-shore infrastructure. d) The loss of value in residential properties in the vicinity of the development. • The fragility of the coast at the landfall site. • The design and scale of the substations along with the National Grid Facility along with the unfathomable decision to locate it immediately adjacent to so many residential properties is a matter of grave concern especially. • The acknowledgement that the cable route is not to be sterilised for further cables to be laid confirms National Grid’s intention to develop the hub at Friston. The cumulative effect of these plus the probability of Sizewell C going ahead demands that the implication of these other developments be considered as part of this application to develop. • I am also concerned that the so called consultation process prior to the submission of the application has been little more than a sham and flawed tick box exercise.