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Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by C Gale

Date submitted
19 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I WISH TO OBJECT TO THIS SCOTTISH POWER RENEWABLES PLANNING APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: (1) The devastating effect on wildlife including that which relies on the Sandlings Heath and our ancient woodlands. This project would split an area of outstanding natural beauty that several species currently rely on as a wildlife corridor for mate location and migration purposes. (2) The haul roads and cable trenches will be too close to residential homes. (Local road network is unsuitable for increased traffic levels, particularly when many of the vehicles will be large, and as someone who has relied heavily on ambulances I worry about delays in emergency vehicles reaching our largely elderly community). (3) Increased air pollution which can be hazardous to health. (Noise and light pollution are also issues). (4) The impact on tourism, which provides many local jobs, particularly for our young people. Once people stop coming to a particular holiday area they rarely return. (Economic decline would be the result.) (5) Impact on day to day life due to the difficulty in using local roads and the closure of footpaths and cycle paths. (6) One rural area can not cope with the negative effects of multiple energy projects within the next decade. I have many more concerns, but these are my main worries at this time.