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Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Norma Philpotts

Date submitted
19 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Planners, Re: East Anglia North One Herewith my relevant representation on Scottish Powers plans, I object on the following grounds:- Impact on wildlife in the woodlands, and heaths and also the loss of footpaths, byways and bridle ways. The threat to migrating birds. Domination of huge substations and digging up of ancient lands in unspoiled areas. Air and noise pollution from vast amounts of traffic involved, together with danger to residents either on cycles or cars. Access for Emergency services would be impossible. Also the tracking of the cables from the sea through the heritage coast and unspoiled local countryside when other brownfield sites would be better options. Yours sincerely Norma Philpotts