Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by S N Fulford

Date submitted
20 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

EN010077 Windfarm Dear Sir I am registering an interest in the above application as a resident of Friston Village. I endorse all points raised by the SASES action group without exception. Friston House is a listed building 350m from the site. The property boundary is 150m from the proposed site. I dispute the claim that there will be no or negligible impact on Friston House or Friston Village by SPR. There will be: Pollution Evidenced by residents near the Galloper substation (Sizewell ) construction experience and others. Air born diesel fumes, dust. Other pollutants from a heavy industrial site. Noise during construction will be untenable for years six days a week. 66 Hours, not including traffic movements to and from site outside of those hours given that it is an extremely quiet zone. Night time disruption from generator noise and other activity. The long term prediction re operating noise from Philip Rew-Williamson of consultants RHDHV was/is that we will need double glazing! Initially he insisted publicly that there would be no noise impact. SPR are not acknowledging this and are actively excluding Friston House as a receptor. (World Health Organisation outlines 21db with a window open as a reasonable urban expectation at night) It will be shown elsewhere that the ambient night time level is far below that. Water course pollution re surface run off through Friston village, including flooding. The proposed and likely future development of Friston will create Industrial pollutants that have no recourse but to flow through Friston Village and on into The Rivers Alde and Ore that currently enjoy marine protection. Friston currently enjoys a “Dark Sky” environment that will be lost. Consultation process Further to the fact that SPR have mislead the public repeatedly re noise and appearance, the total absence of information about the National Grid elements of this application and the further consequences of their (NG) intensions in the immediate vicinity of Friston Village is not acceptable even if this process “Scopes out” these elements. The residents of Friston are expecting further cable routes and infrastructure which will remove the point of the Village. Cable route The destruction of so much land is not sustainable in such a closed community. In particular the loss of woodland at Aldringham Court. This woodland is not replaceable by replanting or mitigation. This area is priceless in context of loss of environment. This will be the second cable route carved through Suffolk by SPR. The Bawdsey to Bramford debacle should be held as an example of how unfit this company is to proceed with this project. At present it appears they (SPR) are applying the same criteria and design parameters to Friston as Bramford, an existing “Brown Field “site. Road access SPR have changed their stance from claiming the present road infrastructure was wholly adequate to planning wholesale changes to all the roads leading to Friston and Thorpeness. The general public are and remain oblivious and ignorant of the impact this project will reek in Suffolk.