Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by David Dongray (David Dongray)

Date submitted
20 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

To the PINS Panel, Herewith are my objections to the Scottish Power Renewables planning application, EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE - Cumulative impact on local communities and the environment 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12 to 15 years will devastate the area Thorpeness Cliffs for landfall is not suitable due to the fragility of the Coraline Cliffs. Use of unspoiled countryside at Friston for substation complexes each the size of Wembley Stadium. And the Substations are dangerously close to the small village of Friston. Up to 9miles of cable trenches driven through environmentally sensitive areas will destroy it for many many decades. Whether it will ever recover as the cables cannot be planted upon, is anyone's guess. The Threat to wildlife and the important Sandlings Heath is unthinkable. The construction will cut Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB in half causing problems to migrating species and severing the wildlife corridor Lost woodland will devastate the populations of badgers, red deer, invertebrates and other wildlife . Light pollution, Noise pollution, Air pollution and Suffolk’s famous peace and tranquillity will be lost for ever with substations operating 24hrs. Increased traffic on roads will endanger cyclists and residents and the roads themselves are not made for more HGV's than we already have. Traffic delays to the Emergency Services may endangering lives. And in the event of a Nuclear incident the evacuation routes would be severely hampered This area is a tourist area. The impact on tourism may deter tourists from coming to the area which in turn will impact on businesses, loss of trade and jobs leading to social and economic decline . Thank you for your attention Yours David Dongray