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Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by WG Fishwick

Date submitted
20 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Landing of cables to for these multiple projects on a area of outstanding beauty and fragility totally unsuitable. Planned multiple years of disruption Friston as a small village to be blighted and ruined by a totally unsuitable sub station the size of Wembly stadium is nothing short of criminal The required cabling will be laid within a few hundred meters of my house. Having received unsolicited legal documents requesting information, no reply to requests for why the information was needed can only make those who received said forms highly suspicious of intentions. As an owner of a holiday letting business the impact of the disruption, damage to the area from cables trenches, and the resultant closure of footpaths and bridleways and destruction of sensitive habitats, will no doubt reduce the viability of my business. On a broader note the damage to this beautiful part of the world which has poor infrastructure in roads and rails to facilitate a large infrastructure project will be permanent and highly destructive. Sizewell has a large industrial site which seems to be perfect place to build what ever infrastructure needs to be required to connect these projects to the grid, or even if necessary build a sub station. I we get Sizewell C we will be the most blighted Energy area in the country. What will this area ever get to compensate for the destruction on a vast scale that is proposed? Nothing in the plans have suggested that as local residents we will receive any permanent benefits. No cycle paths no infrastructure, just the usual injection of money to the local economy which once everybody leaves will not continue and we will be left living in an area that has been destroyed by poor thought and planning Surely in 2020 we can do better than this sorry attempt to railroad destruction on an area of the country which by virtue of being sparsely populated, is unlikely to be able to mount protests big enough to matter. Been here before and its sad.