Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Christian Blackshaw MBE

Date submitted
21 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Whilst not against wind power per se, the proposed substations at Friston seem misguided when there is a clear alternative, namely the ringmain option. To desecrate AONB land for ever with the erection of these monsters is not only depriving future generations of beautiful countryside, but additionally causing major disruption to everyone who lives and works in the area. Road widening, 6 to 700 lorries per day creating massive problems, let alone noise and, God forbid should these substations be built, the tinnitus they create twenty four hours per day go to show that there is a major flaw in these outrageous proposals. It has been said that the ringmain option is more expensive. However, considering all options this would clearly be more sensible and in the long run more cost effective. Throughout history we see the desecration of precious countryside. This glorious Suffolk land should not be a victim.