Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by James Watson

Date submitted
21 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support SASES and Friston Parish Council in their submissions. Whilst totally supporting renewable energy and off shore wind farms in principle, the on shore impact MUST be taken into consideration and very careful consideration should be given to the impact on peoples lives and health, wildlife and the environment. It cannot be renewable energy at any cost, it needs to be balanced and every effort made to place the on shore infrastructure on brown field sites in order to protect our delicate ecology and coastline. Cumulative impact • Too many energy projects in a small area, more in future. • No coordination or consideration for the impact of these on local communities. Human Impact • Too close to human habitation • Air quality caused by the traffic and construction • Impact of traffic on daily life • Effect on quality of life due to noise and light pollution • Health implications • Mental Health implications • Destruction of peace and tranquillity in and around Friston village • Loss of open spaces and places to walk • No benefits for the local community Landscape • Harm to heritage buildings including the church • Loss of footpaths • Visual harm Socio Economic • Damage to tourism • Loss of jobs • Loss of income for holiday homes • No jobs for the on shore development Flood Risk • Village currently floods when it rains • Water passes from the fields in the north • Current village drainage infrastructure is inadequate • All assessments done by SPR are desk top exercises Footpaths • All footpaths around Friston will be in sight of the substation & around the substation. • Not conducive to walking, loss of peace and tranquillity • Loss of green space Ecology • Permanent removal of habitation for wildlife • Permanent effect to wildlife of light and noise pollution during construction of substation and cable corridor Substation Design • Profile too high • Visual impact from village is unacceptable Noise • There must be no discernable noise either inside or outside our homes, day or night Traffic • Sizewell evacuation plan • Safety of local community • Traffic flows and speeds • Impact on emergency vehicles – access and times • Rat runs • Protection for walkers and cyclists on single track roads Cable Corridor • Fragility of Thorpeness cliffs • Destruction of woodland • Impacts on ecology and ornithology outside and in AONB • Too close to residential properties • Noise • Dust pollution • Light Pollution • Haul roads – no consultation • Cumulative assessment needed • Cable routes for other projects – impact • Too long- crosses too much AONB • Flood risk • Management of construction traffic impact The substations are far too close to where people live and will not benefit those villagers in any way. They will remove most of the green space around the village and destroy the peace and tranquillity. The noise, light and dust pollution will have direct impact on villager’s health.