Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Charles Courage

Date submitted
21 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am objecting strongly to your proposed substation site at Friston for two SPR transformers and a further National Grid transformer on the grounds that: 1. Ruination of the countryside and surrounding areas of this tranquil village with several Grade 2 listed buildings including St Mary's Church, Friston. This is the Heritage Coast. 2. Light and noise pollution from the site and lack of mitigation for water run-off from the area except by a narrow ditch which will likely flood the low lying properties. 3. The impact of HGV traffic on local and surrounding roads, all of which are narrowl and not suited to the proposed traffic flows. 4. The impact on employment will be negative due to loss of trade for hotels, shops, pubs and holiday cottages because no tourists will visit the area due to clogged roads. 5. The digging of a 65m wide trench all the way from Thorpeness to the Friston site crossing roads, taking out hedges and woodland. 6.Permanent or temporary loss of PRoWs. I am all in favour of green energy but not at the cost of ruining this fragile area. SPR state that they have consulted local people, they have in fact, dictated to the local people. There are better ways and locations to bring the power lines ashore without blighting this beautiful part of Suffolk. This whole scheme is corporate greed with no vision of the impact on local people. ? Scottish Power Renewables are riding roughshod over the local community and have not taken into account the concerns of the residents and others communities along cable route from the sea to Friston. ? The road system in this quiet area of Suffolk will be unable to carry the daily workload that the construction of the substation will inevitably bring to our small roads. The idea of not only SPR but also EDF Nuclear Power trying to carry all their building materials on the A12 and A14 is ridiculous. The amount of HGVs, LGVs and buses required will bring the entire area to a halt. This is not rocket science, the roads are simply not good or large enough to carry this amount of traffic. ? The impact of all this building work will have a huge negative effect of the area, ruining our local trades such as hotels, shops, restaurants, etc. as no tourists will want to venture this far as they will be unable to move for construction traffic. ? The lack of forethought with regard to planning for the future not only for this project but also Sizewell C show that there is no joined-up thinking, especially from a Government Ministerial level, so allowing SPR and EDF to desecrate this pretty area of Suffolk. ? The planned site for the substation at Friston will bring a greater flood risk for those who live next to the main drainage ditch that flows through the village. ? The substation, if built, needs to be moved so that it is not less than 600 meters from the nearest houses and for bunding to be constructed so that there is as little noise and light pollution as possible to those living in the vicinity.