Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Josephine Beedell

Date submitted
22 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a resident of Friston and wish to make the following points. The planned substation/s are far too close to the village, closer than any previous substation built in the uk and will cause major and unacceptable destruction to our way of lives, our physical well being and in many cases mental health. The burden put on any age of residents, though the huge impact will be on the older residents, many of whom have lived and enjoyed life here for many years, is immeasurable. The routes planned for HGVs and associated vehicles are clearly not thought through, there would be unbearable noise, pollution and overload throughout the construction stage, the landscape, wildlife, peace gone for many years and concreted over for the rest of our lives. We live here because we love what we have, this will be taken away. Its TOO CLOSE. This part of England is a peaceful unspoilt gift, and this would be a smack in the face of nature. Much more investigation into this decision and why this spot was chosen is needed very quickly and I believe not enough is known about this area by those who will have the final say. We are more than just a place on the map.