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Representation by St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Board of Finance (St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Board of Finance)

Date submitted
23 January 2020
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

This representation is made specifically in relation to registered Title Number SK276346 at Friston, there is no facility to upload a copy here but this can be provided if required. This land was sold by us on the 17th November 2010, subject to the following covenants: - 11.2 The Transferee to the intent that the covenants hereinafter contained shall bind the Property into whosesoever hands the same may come and for the benefit and protection of any neighbouring diocesan glebe church or parsonage land and each and every part covenants for itself and its successors in title with the Transferor and its successors pursuant to Section 22 of the Endowments & Glebe Measure 1976 as follows:- 11.2.1 no act deed matter or thing shall at any time be done suffered or permitted in or upon the Property which may be or become a nuisance annoyance or disturbance to the incumbent for the time being of the benefice of which the parish of Friston forms part or his successors or which may tend to depreciate or lessen the value of any adjoining or neighbouring diocesan glebe church land and parsonage land. 11.2.2 no act deed matter or thing shall at any time be done suffered or permitted in or upon the Property which may be or become a nuisance annoyance or disturbance to the minister for the time being conducting or the congregation attending divine service in the parish church of Friston or the churchyard surrounding it. 11.2.3 not to use or permit the Property to be used otherwise than for agricultural purposes and in particular not to erect or carry out or permit to be erected or carried out any building or other development on the Property whether permanent temporary or otherwise. 11.2.4 not to sell or otherwise dispose or transfer the Property or any part of it without requiring the purchaser or other transferee to enter into a separate deed of covenant with the Transferor in the same terms as this covenant and without requiring every such purchaser or transferee to bear the Transferor’s solicitors’ reasonable costs and disbursements for the preparation and completion of such deed. We would wish that any planning decision have regard to these covenants and would object to any consent that permitted them to be breached. If you require any further details, please do make contact. Kind regards, Gavin