Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Mrs Lesley Swann

Date submitted
23 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madam, Re: East Anglia North One (and East Anglia Two) I wish to object to this planning application for the following reasons: • The use of unspoilt countryside in Friston for a large substation complex, in the immediate vicinity of its village community is ill-considered. • The cumulative impact on Friston and other surrounding communities of this project and the combined cumulative impact of other projects, occurring consecutively in this area over many years. • Miles of cable trenches from the proposed landfall to the substation complex will destroy environmentally sensitive areas. • Large HGV’s and other construction traffic on unsuitable roads. • Frequent movement of large HGV’s and construction traffic, the air pollution caused by that movement and the further impact on climate change. • Displacement of local and tourist traffic taking alternative routes through small villages and even more unsuitable roads, in order to avoid the construction traffic. • The potential for increased noise and light pollution. The potential for increased air pollution from our sandy soils (an inevitability of the cable trenching). • The permanent and/or temporary closure of footpaths, bridleways, byways etc. • The impact on tourism to this area and the potential for job losses in that sector, if that impact is under estimated. • The threat to our Suffolk Coastal AONB, the unnecessary destruction of ancient woodland, and the disruption to our precious wildlife. • The failure to consider alternative locations for the infrastructure supporting renewable energy, including existing substations and brownfield sites. In conclusion, I wish to state that I am not against renewables, it is the way forward. Whilst encouraging renewable technology and development, we should consider the wider impact of the infrastructure construction, which supports that technology. Why build more large substations, causing disruption to communities, destroying more countryside, disrupting wildlife and impacting climate change, when there are alternatives. Use what infrastructure you already have, use brownfield sites, consider connections to the grid using an offshore ring main. Government, business and planning authorities need to develop a more strategic and integrated approach to managing the best locations for growing a green economy.